Secure Your Financial Future with Gold and Silver

Empowering you to safeguard your wealth at Berlin Wealth Protection 516-279-0993

About Us
For over eighteen years, Berlin Wealth Protection has been dedicated to helping people protect their wealth by educating them about the real value of money and providing access to precious metals. Our mission is to offer secure options and guide you in acquiring precious metals, ensuring you take full possession of your investment or set up a Bullion/Metals IRA. 516-279-0993

.      Prior to 2008, I sent out a letter warning that the monetary system in the United States was broken and that it was about to implode.  I suggested that people take a portion of their assets and buy silver and gold ( or open a bullion or metals IRA), the only real insurance policy against the falling dollar.  Some did and made over 30% on their investment, while others didn’t and lost anywhere up to 45% of their portfolio.  While the market has come back and has lulled many into a false sense of security, the real problem facing the future of your assets and wealth is:  THE VALUE OF THE DOLLAR CONTINUES TO FALL!  

     We’re now in a worse position then we were in 2008! Today we are living in a world of “financial terrorism”, and I continue to warn people that the monetary system is still broken and there is a very good chance that we will have another catastrophic monetary event within the next 6-12-18-24 months, where the dollar will loose it’s remaining value and collapse, and will probably loose it’s World Reserve Currency status ( already been planned )!  Sound impossible?  Google the Weimar Republic in Germany during the war, and read what happens when a government continues to print money ( fiat, paper currency ) out of thin air with nothing ( gold or silver ) backing it. 

     You think Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme was big? The United States Government is running the largest Ponzi scheme in history. It has to keep creating money out of thin air to cover the enormous debt ($40 trillion which cannot be paid back ) it’s creating through uncontrolled spending, and then needs even more money ( 1 trillion dollars a year now ) to service the debt ( that foreigners don’t want to buy anymore!).  All this phony money creation does is create inflation, which in the end, devalues the dollar, which devalues all your dollar denominated holdings and investments.  When Wall Street or your broker says you need to be diversified, if all your investments and holdings ( stocks, cash, bonds, money market, etc.)  are dollar denominated, you are not diversified and will be in trouble.  To really be diversified, YOU HAVE TO BE OUTSIDE OF THE DOLLAR!  Not only that, the government, which is broke and can’t pay it’s bills, will be going after the “wealthy class” through many new taxes and laws in order to extract new money to keep it afloat.  They’re even talking about nationalizing retirement accounts! 

     There is an old saying: Some people traded their money for wealth, and some people traded their wealth for money.  PAPER MONEY IS NOT WEALTH!  Those who took their dollars and bought land, buildings, artwork, diamonds, gold and silver, etc. traded or exchanged their paper, which has no intrinsic value, for things that do.  That’s wealth!  Those who only kept their paper, regardless of the amount, will have a rude awakening when what they thought was it’s value disappears , and, we are now in the final cycle of that value disappearing.  Before something becomes worthless, it first moves through a cycle of becoming worth less.  Since 1913, our dollar has lost 97% of it’s value and the remaining 3% is slipping away.  A $20.00 dollar bill bought about 68 gallons of gas in the 50’s.  The same $20.00 now buys about 5-6 gallons ! Money is supposed to be a storehouse of value and a medium of exchange. Paper money, while still a medium of exchange, has and is losing it’s storehouse of value.  Only gold and silver has retained both for the last 5000 years, and when the smoke clears over the next few years, those with physical gold and silver will still be standing in a much better position then those with only paper money. 


     Money is supposed to be a storehouse of value and a medium of exchange. Paper money, while still a medium of exchange, has and is losing it’s storehouse of value.  Only gold and silver has retained both for the last 5000 years, and when the smoke clears over the next few years, those with physical gold and silver will still be standing in a much better position then those with only paper money. GOLD & SILVER IS NOT AN INVESTMENT. GOLD & SILVER IS MONEY! Today when you buy gold or silver, you are exchanging devaluated paper who’s value is on the way out, for real money who’s value is increasing! I protect people’s wealth through purchasing physical gold and silver for them.  Investing in gold and silver ETF’s is like having paper gold and silver.  It’s problematic like paper money.  The funds have leveraged paper metals 120 to 1.  They sold the same ounce 120 times because it’s paper.  You must take physical possession of your metals to be protected!   

     American citizens are being lied to and deceived about the current status. Things are bad and getting worse quickly. Two months ago the FDIC put out a report that there was half a trillion in bank losses and that there were 63 banks ready to go bankrupt. Besides that, some of the larger banks are also in trouble due to losses of all kinds ( bad real estate loans, defaults of every kind, derivatives, bonds, etc.). We all know how inflation is ravaging people's financial lives and regardless of what the government says, it's getting worse. The dollar's purchasing power is disappearing quickly.  There is a major shift happening in the precious metals world ! The precious metals market does not work on supply and demand. If it did, metals would have gone to the moon already, but they didn't. There are 8 banks that manipulate the price of metals for their own benefit. They do this by buying gold and silver future contracts for millions of ounces ( that actually don't even exist ). Once they buy them, they then short them. They lower the price of metals when the contracts come due and then after they make their money, they sell them. THEY NEVER TAKE POSESSION OF THE METALS ! It's a big scam.  What's happening now is that countries like China, Russia, India, and many others are buying tons of gold and silver AND TAKING POSSESSION. They are also repatriating their gold and silver ( from the FED and in the UK ). What they are doing is very smart. By taking possession, they are draining the metals from the major platforms like the COMEX and taking them off the market so that there is less ounces available in the world for industry and personal investment. What's even smarter is that they are beating the 8 banks who manipulate the prices down at their own game. Since these banks never take the metals when the contracts end, and simply lower the price of silver lets say, these countries are buying up and keeping all the metals at the manipulated lower price. IT'S A STEAL !  

     Besides these countries buying up all these metals, there is a major shortfall in the mining industry. Over the last few years, there has been a shortfall of 500,000,000 ounces and last year over 200,000,00. In other words, the demand for silver in industry is great and the mining industry cannot keep up with it. This has put tremendous pressure on the price of silver because there is not enough to cover demand and these banks are keeping the price low ! THERE IS AN EXPLOSION COMING ! THE PERFECT STORM IS HERE NOW !  If you ever considered buying silver, this is the time to load up while you can. Silver is the most underpriced asset and is going to make a lot of people very rich.  I've been doing a lot of reading and the best of the best say to load up on silver now regardless of the price because there is a dollar crash coming soon and the price of metals will take off like a rocket. I actually believe that there will never be another opportunity like there is right now to secure your future wealth. Unfortunately, when we talk about the end game, I think we're close. Like they say, “Not if, but when”. When it happens, it will happen fast and there will not be the opportunity to buy metals because of scarcity and price. Regards,     Steven B .Berlin      

Bullion/Metals IRAs

We help you set up Bullion/Metals IRAs to ensure your retirement savings are secure and stable. The process is simple and I handle it with you.

Precious Metals Acquisition

We first talk about the types of metals your interested in and what would be best for your budget and the current dollar situation both nationally and internationally. Then I assist you in buying the metals and having you take physical possession, safeguarding your assets for the future.

Wealth Protection Education

We provide free comprehensive education on the current realities of money to help you make informed investment decisions. We have various free educational literature to help you make those decisions.

  • Seaford, New York, NY, United States
  •  By appointment. Usually phone consultations.